Understanding Pediatric Seizures

Watching your child deal with a seizure can be a very scary experience, but it’s important that you’re able to understand pediatric seizures and why they might happen. While most people associate seizures with epilepsy, that’s not the only cause. There are many different reasons why your child may have a seizure and it’s important to be able to understand that. Dr. John Millichap at Precision Epilepsy in Chicago, IL, can help you understand pediatric seizures and what to do if one is occurring. He helps children dealing with pediatric seizures in multiple states nationwide via telemedicine.

Dealing with Pediatric Seizures

A seizure can occur suddenly and most will stop on their own within a few minutes. Seizures can sometimes go unnoticed at first and you may not realize that your child’s loss of focus and twitching eyes are actually pediatric seizures. It’s important that if your child experiences a seizure, you talk to our pediatric neurologist as soon as possible to discuss what the cause might be.

Seizures can either be unprovoked or provoked. A provoked seizure has a direct cause, such as an infection or head injury. An unprovoked seizure doesn’t always have a direct cause and it can take a lot of research and evaluation until your doctor finds a direct cause.

It’s important that during a seizure, you keep your child comfortable and supported. This could be placing them on their side on a soft surface that they won’t fall off of and making sure that there’s nothing sharp or hard that may injure them. You can also time the seizure and be sure to call your doctor once it’s over.

Contact Our Pediatric Neurologist Today

Be sure that you understand pediatric seizures, just in case your child ever deals with one. Contact Dr. Millichap at Precision Epilepsy in Chicago, IL, to learn more about pediatric seizures today. Call for a telehealth appointment at (833) 530-3034 or visit our website to see which states are currently served.