What You Need to Know about a Febrile Seizure

A febrile seizure is a seizure that develops due to a fever from an underlying infection or illness. Febrile seizures can occur in children with no underlying neurological conditions, so they are often a completely unexpected, and scary event. Our pediatric neurologist can help. Dr. John Millichap at Precision Epilepsy in Chicago, IL, provides comprehensive pediatric neurological services, including seizure treatment. He helps children dealing with febrile seizures in multiple states nationwide via telemedicine.

What You Need to Know about a Febrile Seizure

A febrile seizure can develop suddenly, leading to convulsions, shaking, twitching, and loss of consciousness. For parents, it can be difficult to watch, but you must know what to do to help your child.

There are two types of febrile seizures:

  • A simple febrile seizure, which lasts up to 15 minutes
  • A complex febrile seizure, with lasts more than 15 minutes, and happens more than once in a 24-hour period

When your child has a febrile seizure, it’s important to:

  • Start timing the seizure
  • Place your child on a soft surface to avoid injury
  • Place your child on their side to avoid choking
  • Remove any sharp, hard objects which can injure your child
  • Stay with your child during the seizure

After the first febrile seizure, you should call your pediatric neurologist for advice and a consultation. If the seizures continue, your pediatric neurologist can initiate testing to determine the presence of infection or illness which is causing the seizures.

During your child’s telehealth consultation, your pediatric neurologist can order lab testing, an at-home EEG, and prescribe the necessary medications which may include:

  • Antibiotics, to kill bacteria causing the infection
  • Anti-seizure medications, to reduce or eliminate febrile seizures

When you are dealing with a febrile seizure, it’s comforting to know that you have expert help and advice just a phone call away.

Want to Know More?

To find out more about how to deal with a febrile seizure, call Dr. John Millichap at Precision Epilepsy in Chicago, IL. You can reach him for a telehealth consultation by calling (833) 530-3034, so call today. Visit our website to see which states are currently served.